Bilbo Baggins is the main character. He is a hobbit. The hobbits are half tall as the humans, they have big hairy feet, they dont need shoes because they foot create a natural sole. The Hobbits live in hobbit-holes (they are not dirty holes in the ground, there are nice houses in the underground).

Gandalf- He is an old wizard. He have a big beard, and a big pointy hat. He helped the conspiracy of the dwarves to find them a thief, who will go into Smaug. The one he choose for that role is Bilbo, Bilbo didnt knew about what was that dangerous role.

Smaug- He is the antagonist of the story, he destroy the dwarves home (lonely mountain) and steal all their gold.

Thorin- He is the leader of the dwarves, and the prince from the destroyed kingdom of  the dwarves. He created the group to kill smaug and retake their home(lonely mountain).

There are more dwarves and I will talk about them in the future. But this characters are the main ones.